Let's Talk About Sex & Gender

Representations of Sex and Gender : Male, Female & LGTIQ logo and figures
Sex and gender are referenced constantly in the media, from crime, to politics. Men and women are exploited or discriminated against, similarly as are homosexual people and men and women of colour and so on. Topics relating to advertisements, films, television series, Youtubers, books, magazines and so on, are published almost daily and globally on news networks. 

In 1972 the New York Post published an article on how women are constantly stereotyped in all forms of media, especially advertisements and today that same article, written by Judith Adler Hannesse and Joan Nichols, is still used as reference in schools and classes on gender studies and one might think that so much has changed since 1972, so why is this article still making rounds today? As much as we would like to believe that men and women are represented equally in the media, women are still wildly stereotyped as being "housewives" standing by the stove making dinner or by the sink scrubbing dishes and this article as much as it is shocking is still relevant today- (https://www.nytimes.com/1972/05/28/archives/now-says-tv-commercials-insult-women-tv-commercials-insult-women.html)

The Times of Malta released an article on Monday 19th November on how, yes, there are more women in employment but yet the pay gap is somehow increasing and as of the 19th of November till the end of the year Maltese women will technically be working for free. (https://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20181119/local/gender-pay-gap-increasing-alongside-increase-in-female-employment.694634)

In the coming weeks I will be exploring these forms of articles and observing how sex and gender are reported in the news and represented in the media. 

Kristina Parker


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